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Boxford centre to Homey Bridge


1. From the centre of Boxford, follow Butcher's Lane to Fen Street. Take the path between two houses directly in front of you. Follow it round the corner until you come to a right turn, along the side of a stream. 


2. Cross Cox Hill and take the footpath directly opposite, along the back gardens of houses in Brook Hall Road. After around 100m, you will see some steps on the right. Go up the steps and take the path straight across the field, up the hill to the A1071. 


3. Turn left along the verge on the A1071 until you are opposite a footpath sign pointing down some steps. Cross over and follow the path to the left for a short way, then sharp right along the side of a laurel hedge. Follow it across the next field, right at the bottom, then left, then left again along a fenced-in path. It crosses the field towards two cottages and goes along the garden of the left-hand cottage, then out into Wash Lane. 


4. Turn left at Wash Lane and follow the road, either to the top, then right down the Whitestreet Green road, alternatively take the footpath on the right across the field, up a steep bank, along two more fields, then turn left up Spring Lane and right on to the Whitestreet Green road. 


5. Follow Whitestreet Green road to the junction with Holt Road and turn right. After about 100 metres you are at the top of the Homey Bridge track. Follow the track down to the bridge at Homey Bridge. 






Homey Bridge to Withermarsh Green


1. At the bridge, turn left along the Stoke Tye road and follow it past the Mill House to the Stoke road.


2. Turn left at the Stoke road and follow the road past the cottages until you reach a footpath on the right, leading slightly uphill. 


3. Follow the path up the hill, through the kissing-gate and across the steep field to the top right-hand corner. 


4. Take the path on the left at the kissing-gate and follow this between two fields to a driveway. Cross the driveway and continue down the track almost opposite (a little to the right), between two more fields and across another driveway. At the end of this path, turn left towards Marten's Lane (through a metal gate) and right along Marten's Lane. 


5. You can either follow the road to the top of the hill, or you can take the gap in the hedge which appears on the right after around 75m and follow the edge of the wood to the top of the hill. Here, turn right and follow the path along the edge of the wood to the driveway to Jim Lawrence's workshop. 


6A. Here, there is a choice: either continue along the road and take the left turn towards Withermarsh Green. This gives you the option of taking the footpath to the right across the field and either to the right back towards Stoke-by-Nayland, or left towards Bob Wright's Farm.


6B. Alternatively, take the footpath across the field directly opposite the Jim Lawrence driveway, which leads across the field, then sharp right along the top to meet the Withermarsh Green Road beyond the junction with the footpath on the right. 


7.  Continue along the road until you come to the old cottages on the green, with the by-road to Bob Wright's Farm on your right. 






Withermarsh Green to Langham via the green lane (Snow Hill)


1.  Take the track opposite the cottages on the green and follow it to a fork. Take the left-hand track at the fork and follow it for around 200m.


2. You will come to a gap in the hedge on the left with a footpath sign (currently this is difficult to see as the brambles and ivy have grown over it). This is the top of the green lane at Snow Hill. Follow the track downhill as it narrows along a wooded strip between the fields.


3.  When the track opens out at the junction of four fields, follow the signposted path to the right, the sharp left between two hedges.


4. At the bottom of the track, you will come to the Stoke-by-Nayland to Higham road. Turn left along the road and after around 50m, you will see a footpath sign on the right.


5. Take the signposted track between high hedges until it opens out into a large field. Turn right here, along to the end of the field, then left down another deeply rutted track until you reach the river. 


6. Cross two bridges, one small, crossing a tributary stream, one large over the main river, to reach the Victorian pumping station.  A sign shows the Stour Valley Path continuing to the left, towards Stratford St Mary and Dedham. For Langham, turn right.


7. At the end of the road, you can either turn right and follow the road back towards Boxted Mill, or left to a junction, just after which is a footpath sign in the hedge pointing across the field.  






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